Join us

IYou do not need to be a member to take part in our events at local level. At European level and to participate in exciting internal events you do! 

Step 1: Fill out the membership application form and send it to "".

Step 2: Transfer the membership fee to us (all information is in the membership application form).

Step 3: Celebrate your membership with us!

You can find out what you can do with a membership under "About AEGEE"

Consent to data processing including the publication of personal images in connection with joining the AEGEE-Osnabrück e.V. association.
I hereby apply for membership of AEGEE-Osnabrück e.V. The following informations and steps are required for the realisation of the membership relationship:

General information

Date of birth

Declaration of consent under data protection law

I consent to AEGEE-Osnabrück e.V. collecting and managing the following data for the purpose of membership administration: Name, gender, address, email address, date of birth, age, nationality, place of birth, country of birth, telephone number, course of study, university, bank details, type of membership, legal representative if applicable, driving licence number if applicable, membership card number if applicable, Facebook identifier if applicable. I agree that photos and videos of me may be taken at events and for the presentation of the association and published in the following media: Homepage of the association and the umbrella organisation AEGEE-Europe; social media accounts of the association and the umbrella organisation AEGEE-Europe; press products of the association, the umbrella organisation AEGEE-Europe and third parties. I have been informed that the photos and videos with my person are accessible worldwide when published on the Internet or in social networks. Further use and/or modification by third parties cannot be ruled out. Unless consent is revoked, it is valid for an unlimited period of time. Consent can be revoked with effect for the future. The revocation of consent must be made in text form (letter or email) to the association. AEGEE-Osnabrück e.V. cannot guarantee the complete deletion of published photos and video recordings on the Internet, as other websites may have copied or modified the photos and videos. AEGEE-Osnabrück e.V. cannot be held liable for the type and form of use by third parties, e.g. for the downloading of photos and videos and their subsequent use and modification. I have also been informed that, despite my cancellation, photos and videos of my person may be taken as part of my participation in public events organised by the association and published as part of its public relations work. I can refuse my consent without any detrimental consequences for me or revoke it at any time with effect for the future. The cancellation is to be addressed to: AEGEE-Osnabrück e.V., Seminarstr. 20, 49074 Osnabrück. Furthermore, I consent to my data being used for the following purposes: Sending marketing emails, e.g. in the form of a member newsletter; Setting up chat groups in instant messaging services, e.g. WhatsApp; Receiving direct messages in instant messaging services, e.g. WhatsApp; Forwarding to other members of the association, e.g. to form working groups. Within the scope of membership, the data will also be forwarded to companies with which AEGEE-Osnabrück e.V. has a contractual relationship for commissioned data processing. My personal data collected in the context of the aforementioned purposes will be collected, processed, used and transmitted in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The information I have provided as part of my membership will be deleted after 18 months following the termination of my membership. I am aware that consent to the processing of the aforementioned data is voluntary and can be revoked by me in whole or in part at any time with effect for the future. I can refuse my consent without any detrimental consequences for me or revoke it at any time with effect for the future. The cancellation should be addressed to: AEGEEOsnabrück e.V., Kolpingstraße 7, 49074 Osnabrück.

Transfer membership fee of 24€

The term of membership is one year. If you are in Osnabrück as part of the Erasmus programme and your stay is less than one year, please contact us. 

Please transfer the membership fee of 24€ to the following bank account:
AEGEE Osnabrück e.V., Sparkasse Osnabrück, IBAN: DE97 2655 0105 0000 0610 10, BIC: NOLADE22XXX, As purpose of use "Name (membership fee)"

  • Kolpingstraße 7, 49074 Osnabrück, Deutschland